29. juni 2009

2 months left!

(I think) this is the collage art-centre

Today it is exactly two months till I’ll be standing on Indian soil for the first time in my life.

I’m scared, exited, and happy and my stomach is just full of butterflies!!

It is really fun getting to know everyone on internet and I’m just so overexcited to meet them for real! Sophie from Holland is actually coming to Bergen in August! I just hope I’m home then! It would be so much fun! She (and a boy from Holland, Lenn) is actually taking the same flight as me, Mette and Marius from London. I wonder if there will be more MUWCI students on that flight…

I just red Nicolay’s blog (he is my Norwegian second-year)… It was interesting to read about what he had experienced his first months at MUWCI. And I think I’ll use one of the ideas someone he met had... I’ll make a MUWCI/UWC notice to bring with me when we travel to India… It would be fun to find people instead of sitting on the same plane for 9 hours (I think) without knowing it before we get to Mumbai…

I have started to takes vaccines… That’s not to fun… but hey, I need it. I have taken to many to know which anymore… but I know I’ll have to get 4 more stings in my arms before leaving and one last when I come home for Christmas…

These days I’m a bit sad really… I think I’m a bit afraid of leaving all the safety in my everyday… Not enough to bring my thoughts against leaving… but it is harder then I thought it would be… especially when it comes to my boyfriend and the new friends I have made this year… My family will always be there, and so will my best (and oldest) friends… But with those I haven’t known so long, but whom I still care a lot about, I don’t know how things will turn out… I have just thought about it a lot lately… and I think I’m a bit scared of loosing them…


This is the biggest adventure of my life and I have dreamed of since I first heard about UWC (8th grade), it is not going to be an easy adventure, but it will be a lot of fun, so I won’t let fear of loss destroy it!

Hugs <3

21. juni 2009

Bollywood film

I just saw this on my computer and thought it might be a good add too the blogg.

It is a "Bollywood" film we made during English class.

Hope you enjoy it ;)

Hugs <3

20. juni 2009

The adventure starts

Norwegian students going to MUWCI 2009-2010


Well as it says in the topick I got a very interesting letter in March this year.

The letter said that I had got accepted to Mahindra United World Collage of India (MUWCI). When I opened the letter I screamed, cried and laughed of shock and happiness for about 15 minutes. I rang my mum and dad after the worst screaming was ower but they didn't answere. I called my boyfriend instead and he became just as shocked as me.

Since then I have received a lot of papers and forms to read and fill out, started to talk with all my comming co-years and secon-dyears from all around the world, and just to have said it, THEY TALK A LOT. Everyone is so much fun talking with. And we are all extreamly exited and we just know that we'll get 2 fantastic years together!

I have also bin to an intorduction weekend in Oslo, together with all the Norwegian students going to a United World Collage school, somewhere in the world. It was a lot of fun!

My Norwegian coyears and second years was really nice! Mette, Marius, Mira and Nikolay were fantastic people. I havn't met Line jet.. but I guess she is just as fantatic.

Hugs <3