27. desember 2010

It became such an everyday thing that I forgot

It became such an everyday thing that I forgot why I wanted to go back. I got so stuck and stressed and sick of India and MUWCI and everything about living in a boarding school. I forgot why I came originally and why this, as one of my closest friends reminded me, is also the reason why I want to go back.
I broke down today while I was packing. I really did not want to go back to that stressful, hectic everyday with people who steals your food and cutlery, the mess and everything that comes with living with 200 people between the age of 15 and 20. I forgot all the good things in the panic the reason why I wanted to go there for 4 years before I actually went. People from all over the world, friends at every corner of the planet, international people with different backgrounds and therefore very different ways of living and thinking. The opportunity it was and still is how could I ever think of leaving it? Just that little reminder from a friend was enough to make me remember and again really want to go back.
When things look the darkest please do not forget to see the light and if you can’t ask someone to help you. They might be able to see something your eyes are too fogged to see…

18. desember 2010

Na har jeg opprettet en kunst blogg, hvis noen er interesert :)

Heisann og GOD JUL!

Na er jeg hjemme i kalde Norge, og merker at det er delig a ha litt India pause. Na har jeg vert hjemme en uke og vilt litt ut og slappet av og begynner a foele at en uke til her hjemme kommer til a gjoere godt men sa er jeg klar til a dra tilbake! Savner folk pa skolen og resing og litt eventyr, men man tenger litt hvile og ferie!

Blir spennende a resie rundt med Maria og Maria Helenena i nyttarstiden :)
skal bli en spennende tur langs den indiske vest kysten.

Tenke bare jeg skulle fa opp at det er ikke bare negeativt, men nar man blir utslitt gar ting litt hardt for seg, sa om UWC livet er hektisk er det vert det! man ma bare ikke glemme a ta vare pa seg selv :) hvilket jeg gjorde en stund. men na er det bra og jeg gleder meg til a ta fatt pa siste termin og ta turen til Australia i mai og finne ut hvordan universitetsfremtiden ser ut :)