15. juli 2009

43 days until schoolstart, and 42 days until I'm leaving Norway!

Looking from NHH too Sentrum ..

This is just sceary, fun, amazing, sad and every other feeeling you can posebly feel at once, mixed togheter with an extra theaspoon of happiness!

It is so much to think about! One second your overhappy and the next you are almost crying your head off. Everything is much harder to handle than I thought it would be. But it is a part of the adventure and I'll enjoy and learn everything I can from it!

Today I went to this travelshop café place(which I had never been to befoe). The setting was just the right to make me really exited and mentally ready for leaving! It was really nice there, and good company just made it better.

I'm going to miss Bergen a lot. It is a beutiful city and I notice it better and better everyday. It is just so beutiful. But I have a feeling India wil be just as beutiful, but in a very different way...

Oh!!! I'm just SO exited!!!!!!


Hugs <3

5. juli 2009

It's getting closer every day...

Krithika learnt me how to write Marte in Hindi :D

I wasnt really shure if I should write something today, but since i have desided to write once a week I might as well do that...

It is getting more real everyday and more exithing. Today i started reading those 35 e-mails I have got from becoming MUWCI students. Everyone has something about them that just makes me so eager getting to know them. It is fun to se the way people write, how they present themselves and how different everyone are. Rigt now there is a few people i can rember by name, picture, hobbies and something more... but mosly i just mix up everyone XD

It is a weird feeling to have such a big global network... I don't think I really get it. I'm talking with people all around the world every day! It is just so much more then I can understand...

Somedays I wich I were leaving tomorrow, but then I start thinking about people I'm surounded by at home, how much I'll miss everyone and how hard it will be to leave them, and then I'm glad it is still 1 month + 3 weeks left...

Oh.. that's not so long... well... I'll just use the time i got left as good as i can!
